Serial Killers Who Recorded Their Crimes

Einstein Shrugged
10 min readApr 22, 2021

One of the hallmarks of a serial killer is the collection of trophies. These can be anything that belongs to the victim or reminds the killer of the crime. The Golden State Killer, Joseph DeAngelo, took cufflinks and jewellery from his victims; Dennis “B.T.K.” Rader kept items he stole from victims, along with notes detailing the crime squirreled away in locations he called ‘hidey holes’.

Quite often a killer’s trophy collection winds up becoming evidence during trial. When viewed during an investigation or as evidence in a trial, these items evoke plenty of emotion. Each one provides a small glimpse into the lives and personalities of the victims. It makes imagining what they endured that much more difficult.

As heart-wrenching as these trophies can be, they pale in comparison to other trophies. A handful of serial killers have done more than steal their victims’ jewelry, clothing or a lock of hair. These killers recorded their crimes and kept their victims’ final moments as their trophies.. They don’t need a trinket to try and relive the moment — they can do it and, in some cases, in surround sound.

(Mugshots of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, October 1965 — Source)

The Moors Murderers (Myra Hindley and Ian…



Einstein Shrugged
Einstein Shrugged

Written by Einstein Shrugged

Writer. Bibliophile. Optimistic Pragmatist. Co-Author of Killer Word Games on Amazon / Lulu

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